Title Additional tools Pilot project: Boosting the circular economy among SMEs
Organizers European Commission
Protagonists/target group SMEs in Europe done by KPMG & CRS Netherlands
Objectives To support the regional authorities of five regions with advice on how to boost the circular economy among SMEs in their region. Each of the regional authorities has been
provided with a policy brief containing recommendations and a roadmap to realize them.
Link to the source https://ec.europa.eu/environment/sme/circular_economy_boost_en.htm


DG Environment ran a pilot project from June 2017 to February 2019 to explore ways to boost the circular economy among SMEs. SMEs face more difficulties than larger corporations in adopting circular economy strategies due to limited resources and access to financing. The project provided training to SME support organizations, helped Green Solution Providers scale up, and advised regional authorities on boosting the circular economy. The project could reach up to 800,000 SMEs. KPMG, MVO Nederland, and Circle Economy supported the Commission as implementation partners. The final report is available.