manual for trainers


This manual introduces you to the Narrative Based Learning Method and how it can be utilized digitally as a creative, educational tool for youth workers and young learners. Before delving into the theoretical content, it is important to understand and identify how the Narrative Based Learning Method will be used within the context of this project.

The manual is divided into five chapters which gives youth workers and trainers the skills to apply this methodology in their programs:

● Chapter I presents a theoretical understanding of the Narrative Based Learning Method and its key elements and structural components. It provides case studies and outlines the benefits of this method for youth workers and young learners.
● Chapter II outlines different learning modalities and non-formal and informal learning approaches. It includes a detailed account of the benefits of the blended learning method. Lastly, there are three examples of youth projects that implement non-formal learning approaches.
● Chapter III defines communicative training approaches and presents samples of narrative based learning techniques used in youth projects specifically focused on sustainability and the environment.
● Chapter IV focuses on how to digitize a narrative based training. You’ll be presented with good practices on how to transfer learning and European project development to a virtual environment.
● Chapter V gives you tips and how-to’s on applying the narrative based learning method in a hybrid program with a focus on youth programs.

This manual is for youth workers and trainers who want to learn how to apply the Narrative Based Learning Method in non-formal learning approaches. This is both a theoretical and practical manual with examples, tools, and guidelines for trainers to implement this methodology while raising awareness on CE.