Title | Family Learning To Drive Demand for A Circular Economy – Erasmus Plus Project |
Organizers | the industry’s perspective on further enhancing circularity with specific reference to the recycling and recovery stage at the 2022 International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC) |
Protagonists/target group | whole families, from children above 6 years old and beyond |
Objectives | The EU has developed the Green Deal with a wide range of policies and interventions needed to move forward to a Green Circular Economy in Europe. To make these policies and interventions doable we need to have the most important group aware of this and have the knowledge to understand why and how we as consumers must act and change behavior to reach the EU objectives. The most important consumer is the family and from the NIACE inquiry Family learning works and makes a good impact not just on education and behavior but also on social aspects. The project made the platform with Family learning and with joyful Comic strips, challenging web quests,s and an online learning platform that tried to reach all ages in the family. We also had the ambition to involve adult trainers, teachers, and people involved in education or in Environmental orgnisations so they could be part not just as “doors” but also spread the information about the project and be part of the development of the Family Circle in workshops and discussion forums such as Multiplier events or Local Stakeholder Forums. We could also see that to make the project long-lasting we needed to make it interesting for teachers so they could use their knowledge to develop it further. |
Link to the source | https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2019-1-SE01-KA204-060375 |
To reach the European goals and the Circular Economy (CE) for a sustainable future we have to work not just with legislation and new circular economy business plans. We also have to work with awareness raising and education at all levels. It´s not just to educate but also to make possibilities for a movement towards sustainability and sustainability growth, and we need to create an understanding of how the CE works more widely. Consumers are the most important group that can support the development of a Circular Economy in Europe. Europe is large and the different countries have worked differently with the Circular Economy together we can move to a more circular Europe. The partners saw that the family is a perfect setting for an educational campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the CE. Not just how it works today but also how it would look in the future and how families must act and behave for the CE to succeed. The project tried to attract the whole family by using Comic strips, Webquests, online learning platforms,s and challenges. To reach the family we also addressed teachers and adult trainers so they could see the potential in the project and also develop and improve the Family Circle project.