by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Games for Nature Description This booklet includes different games to get familiar with nature, observe it, feel it, and discover it through science and creativity. Link to the source...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Generate: The Game of Energy Choices Description Generate is an interactive game that allows learners to explore energy choices and teaches the considerations and costs in deciding what type of energy generation to build. Link to the source...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Nature For All Description Are you a nature champion? Test your knowledge on parks and protected areas from around the world with this fun, interactive quiz. Challenge your friends, parents or children and see who can get a perfect score! Topics include...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Nature Conservancy Canada Podcast Description Fascinating stories about nature, why we need it in our lives, and the passionate Canadians helping to protect it. In this seven-part series, we’ll take listeners to some of Canada’s important natural areas, from the...