by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title The industry’s perspective on further enhancing circularity with specific reference to the recycling and recovery stage at the 2022 International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC) Organizers APPLiA Protagonists/target group Industry Objectives To discuss...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Additional tools Pilot project: Boosting the circular economy among SMEs Organizers European Commission Protagonists/target group SMEs in Europe done by KPMG & CRS Netherlands Objectives To support the regional authorities of five regions with advice on how...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title EU publications Best practices for local and regional air quality management Organizers Joint Research Centre (European Commission) Protagonists/target group Teachers, researchers Objectives FAIRMODE is the Forum for Air Quality Modeling created for exchanging...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 15, 2023
Title Ministry of Eco Education (MEE) Organizers Nick Moss, Paul Turner, Dale Vince (UK) Protagonists/target group children, youngsters, teachers, schools Objectives The organization was founded with the objective of bringing together the best sustainability teaching...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 15, 2023
Title Eco-Schools Organizers Foundation for Environmental Education (Denmark) Protagonists/target group children, youngsters, teachers, schools, local authorities Objectives To raise awareness and understanding among students, teachers, and the wider community about...