by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Description This video informs on the meaning of ” The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. Link to the source...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Great Pacific Garbage Patch Description Our human activities consume resources and produce waste. The ‘Ecological Footprint’ is a way to measure our human demand on nature. The video shows how to calculate our ecological footprint and take an action Link to the...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Cleaning up the garbage patches Description The article and audiovisual materials explain the ocean cleaning with a specially designed system. Link to the source
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Ocean plastic pollution an overview: data and statistics Description The article explains the reasons of pollution of the ocean, consequences and methods of dealing Link to the source Ocean plastic pollution an overview: data and...
by FS Luxembourg | Mar 16, 2023
Title Ocean Plastic Education Kit Activity Time Depending on the level, length varies Group Size Depending on the level it varies Objectives Elementary: Students will be able to: Develop a sound understanding of how plastics move across land and end up in the ocean....